Sunday, 23 September 2012

No.20 Do something that isn't on the list but should have been

When writing a bucket list of things to do, it is important to allow at least a little bit of flexibility.  There are usually so many things that you want to put on the list, but can't quite narrow it down.  This is the main reason that I added challenge No.20  "Do Something that should have been on the list but wasn't".

Well after successfully crossing a number of the challenges off the list, I have now come up with the perfect challenge for the mystery No.20......   and that is to visit the Tian Tan "Big" Buddha and the Po Lin Monastery in Hong Kong.

There is nothing like a good challenge and the whole idea of doing this "40 things before I am 40" bucket list is to build some life long memories.  This task is certainly going to capture some great memories.

The last time I visited somewhere on this scale was when I when to Corcovado mountain in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and stood at the foot of the statue "Christ The Redeemer".

That trip was over ten years ago, so it is quite fitting that I head over to the other side of the world and seek a similar experience.

So, my tickets are booked.  I head over to Hong Kong Island in three weeks time.  To say that I am excited is something less than an understatement. In fact I am positively jumping with joy and anticipation.

I will write a full report when I get back!


  1. Hey Graham,

    I am so jealous! It sounds like you are going to have a fab time! Hope to see some of your amazing photographs on your return.

    Jane :)

  2. Excellent! I visited the Big Buddha in Phuket Thailand, which was stunning! You should add it to your list! Thank you for visiting my site and posting... I can't seem to click 'follow' on your blog, but I guess that's because it's blogger not wordpress, how annoying that they don't integrate their following option.

    If you fancy seeing my Big Buddha post, it's here:

    I know this wasn't on your list, but perhaps you should broaden your list horizons and just add as many as you like? I have well over 100 items as you know... Keep up the great work!


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Thank you very much for coming to my blog. I hope you have enjoyed the read and hope you join me as I journey my way through the 40 challenges.

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